Stand Developed Ideas
I have chosen to develop the third idea as it is the most feasible. I asked my peers to vote and 7/10 voted for the first one and 3/10...

Final Stand Design
For our final stand design, we decided to go for the one above. This is as with this design, we had more than enough room for our...

Stand Sign Designs
These are some designs for the sign of our stand. We decided to make a mixture of the blue sign and the pink sign because it is the most...

We used a spreadsheet in order to make sure that we have a profit from what we sell. We are not going to be able to sell all of the...

Final Recipes
Rosa Jamaica/ Hibiscus Juice: Ingredientes 8 Tazas de agua 2 Tazas de flor de Jamaica Hielo al gusto Azúcar al gusto Preparación Hervir...

Logo Ideas
These are some logo ideas that we have. We will develop the one in the bottom row because we feel that it is the most representative and...
Aesthetic: The aesthetic of our company is summer and Latin America. We will use bright colors and elements of decoration such as lemon...

Group Name, Logo and Slogan
Our group name is Latin ICSummer. We chose this name because we wanted to sell latin foods that are traditionally eaten in the summer. We...

We were planning to cater for the end of year party, as we would have everyone together in one place and would be a great advertisement...

Advertisement Poster
We made 3 poster to advertise our product. We will put these up around the school. We made them quite simple so that they would be easy...