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Final Stand Design

For our final stand design, we decided to go for the one above. This is as with this design, we had more than enough room for our products to be set out in an organised way. In addition to this, this set up would also allow our banner to be visible for our costumers to see it. Our final stand design also meets most of our specification as we designed the stand based on our specifications.

- Aesthetics: As the aesthetics and theme of our company was Latin America, we made sure to match our stand to it and really bring the mood we were looking for. Similarly, we wanted to make it bright, colourful and appealing to the public to attract more costumers. We believe that we were able to achieve this with the above stand which is why we decided it to make it our final design. This links to our specification by applying bright colours to the stand as an attempt to simulate what we noticed about stands in Camden, in order to attract more costumers

- Cost: For the cost, we wanted to make sure to keep the prices as low and fair as we possibly could whilst being to justifiably creating some profit. For this reason, we decided to create this design as it would not cost us anything to make and we could make sure to focus the money on the food. This links to our specification by having first looked up the prices of the ingredients and materials that we would use, in order to be able to create a budget list and ensure we would be making some profit as well as making sure we had enough money for additional decorations for our stand.

- Costumer: Being aware of the fact that most of our target costumers are of young ages, we thought that this design would suit their interest better. Similarly, having the food out on display the way it is, would allow for easy viewing and convincing of purchase. This links to our specification by ensuring that our stand gives us the ability to move our products and sell them wherever it is we need to, in order to be near our costumers.

- Environment: The design of this stand allows us to easily set it up both inside and outside. This is important as, depending on the weather, we could sell our products either in the courtyard or in the canteen. Additionally, we would be able to have trashcans or bins nearby in order to make sure that trash form our stand and our costumers doesn't end up on the floor. By having this stand, we're able to facilitate both caring for the environment in which we're selling as well as the weather and the way in which it would impact our costumers and stand. This links to our specification by, similarly as before, having the facility to move our stand where we need to as easy as possible in case we were selling outside and it started raining, for example. Additionally, with this stand and specification, we would be able to place our stand in a convenient place, such as near a bin so that people can throw the trash away and not litter, helping the environment.

- Size: By having this design and taking into consideration that our food portions won't be too big, we can ensure that we'll have enough room on our stand to display all of the food, drinks and dessert. In addition to this, we would also be able to have enough space to present our banner in front of the stand. This links to our specification by ensuring that our stand has enough space for us to place all of our products on, with out them looking to messy or even without making the stand look too empty.

- Function: What we hope to achieve with this stand is to attract costumers to view our products and hopefully buy from us. By doing this, along with the food and decorations, we would be able to fully reach the purpose of our stand, being to present some more of the Latin American culture to our fellow peers at ICS. This links to our specification by allowing us to place a banner on the stand as well as our food and therefore attracting more costumers and consequently introducing the Latin American culture a bit more to them.

- Materials: For this stand, all we would need would be an A3 piece of paper, along with some paint, paintbrushes and clearly, a table to set our products on. Fortunately, we would be able to create this design idea without spending any additional money as it would be provided to us by our school. The case is similar when it comes to the actual table we'll be selling on. This links to our specification by being the perfect option for us as the materials that would be needed for this would be available for us to use at school, as opposed to the rest of our products.

- Durability: Luckily, there aren't many things that need to be taken care for in our stand which makes the durability much longer as opposed to having delicate materials or high maintenance objects contributing to our stand. This links to our specification by the simple fact that our stand would be very durable. This is a stand that can be used both inside and outside, without the need of special or delicate care for it- apart from the banner.

For the reasons mentioned above, matching our specification, we believe that this chosen design would make the perfect final design for our stand and believe that it would attract more costumers than all of the other draft designs we had worked on.

--- Paula(writing) Maise (drawing)

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Latin ICSummer



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