Changes made
- Initially, we were planning to sell hibiscus iced tea, lemonade, granizadas of 3 different flavours, nachos, taquitos and tostadas. When it actually came down to making and trying to make a budget, we realised that this was unreasonable and wouldn't be possible in our timeframe and resources. Due to this, we decided to cut down to only selling nachos, lemonade and strawberry granizada/slushie. This made it a lot easier and more straightforward. We were also not able to find some of the ingredients from latin america in British shops. This affected our target audience as there were less options to choose from, thus it wasn't as open to everyone. This change also had an effect on our initial budget as it allowed us to earn the money that we spent back, which we would not have been able to do had we stuck with our original plan. This change improved the quality of our product as we were able to buy better quality products and spend more time making each thing.
- We didn't put on latin american music as it was not allowed due to the school's proximity to houses and offices. This make the stand not as representative of latin culture. This affected our target audience as they weren't in as good of a mood as they would have been with music, they didn't get to learn that much about the culture and were not as attracted to our stand.
- We were initially planning to sell a couple times a week. This was not possible because we were usually busy and this was a lot to ask, since we would have to cook almost every afternoon. Due to time constraints, we only got around to selling two times in total. This affected the success of our business as we were not able to make a profit.
-Another change that we made was to the design of the banner. We didn't include the sun as there was no space: This probably had no effect on the audience or the quality of our product.
This is the planned poster:

And this is the final poster: