Making Process

In our list of products, we have included beverages and food such as nachos, lemonade and granizadas. To sell today, we prepared lemonade and granizadas. Lemonade tends to be a very summer-ish drink that is drank with some ice- just as granizadas which are similar to slushies. For lemonade, we bought the main ingredients which are: lemons, sugar and water. Firstly, we started of by squeezing out the juice from the lemons into a tupperware container. After doing so with around 6 lemons, we added the appropriate amount of sugar and mixed the lemon juice with the sugar. Next, we poured the juice into a 1 litre water bottle and mixed them together. After initial taste testing, we decided that it tasted too watery and decided to add some more lemons and sugar. After doing so, we were satisfied with the taste and decided to put the lemonade in the fridge and move on to the making of the syrup that would go on the granizadas. To make the syrup, we had to add two cups of water with two cups of sugar together and boil them. As they boiled, we blended strawberries to make a smoothie-like liquid out of them. Once the sugar had dissolved after boiling, we added 600 grams of the blended strawberries in with the water and let it boil for eight minutes. This gave the result of a syrup-like substance which we would then add on top of shaved ice to create a granizada.
As we prepared both the lemonade and syrup, we encountered a few difficulties which we were able to overcome through problem solving. At first, we realised that we didn't have any container big enough to carry one litre of lemonade. To solve this, we then decided to buy a 1.5 litre bottle of mineral water. Then, we proceeded to remove .5 litres of water and added our lemon juice to the bottle and shook it together in order to mix it. Then, as we were preparing the syrup and as it boiled, it began to come heat up and expanded in foam until it came out of the pot, going into the hub and sticking to it. However, all this caused was a slight delay as we had to clean it up but the product remained equally as good as it originally was supposed to. Finally, as we prepared to sell during our first break, we encountered difficulties as we didn't have any cups to sell either our lemonade and granizadas in. This is as we were relying on the school's kitchen to be able to provide this for us. However, at the end, we were able to find a few cups and were able to sell during our lunch time.
Taking time management into consideration, when it came to preparing our products, we managed it well. We started preparing everything in the afternoon as soon as we got from school with more than enough time to prepare everything we needed to sell the next day. However, a slight problem we encountered the actual day we sold, was organising everything in order to sell. This is as we had a class outside of school and barely made it in time to begin selling just as our break began. This caused my partner and I to become slightly stressed as we tried to get everything together and set it up. However, after a few minutes of stress, we were able to get everything together and start selling as if nothing had happened. Taking everything into consideration, we were able to manage our time appropriately enough for our intended selling purposes.
However well it went, there is always room for improvement. This means that when we next sell, after an upcoming bank holiday, we will know what to watch out for and plan appropriately as we take all of our previous mistakes into consideration. Things that we will be working on for our next time include things such as:
- Having a back up (such as extra cups and plates).
- Making sure we have enough time to set up and begin selling our products in time.
- Having more marketing set out though school and internet.
These things are important for us to focus on as they did cause a delay and decrease in today's sell. By making sure we have all of those factors, I am confident that we will have a much more successful sell next time.