GROUP EVALUATION- Maise Team Work I think we worked well as a team, through dividing some tasks, but also collaborating on others. To do...

Stand Developed Ideas
I have chosen to develop the third idea as it is the most feasible. I asked my peers to vote and 7/10 voted for the first one and 3/10...

Technical Skills
1- The first technical skill was cutting. This was used to cut the strawberries for the strawberry syrup, as well as cutting the lemons...

Changes made
- Initially, we were planning to sell hibiscus iced tea, lemonade, granizadas of 3 different flavours, nachos, taquitos and tostadas....

Selling Evidence + Reflection
Day 1: Although at first, we felt as though we had planned enough, when it came down to it, there were a lot of things that went wrong....

Making Process
In our list of products, we have included beverages and food such as nachos, lemonade and granizadas. To sell today, we prepared lemonade...

Final Stand Design
For our final stand design, we decided to go for the one above. This is as with this design, we had more than enough room for our...

Stand Sign Designs
These are some designs for the sign of our stand. We decided to make a mixture of the blue sign and the pink sign because it is the most...

We used a spreadsheet in order to make sure that we have a profit from what we sell. We are not going to be able to sell all of the...

Final Recipes
Rosa Jamaica/ Hibiscus Juice: Ingredientes 8 Tazas de agua 2 Tazas de flor de Jamaica Hielo al gusto Azúcar al gusto Preparación Hervir...