Final Recipes
Rosa Jamaica/ Hibiscus Juice:
8 Tazas de agua
2 Tazas de flor de Jamaica
Hielo al gusto
Azúcar al gusto
Hervir la Jamaica en las 8 tazas de agua por lo menos durante 5 minutos.
Luego se debe colar la flor.
Se endulza al gusto y se le agrega hielo.
Ingredients (for 1 litre of water)
4 lemons.
1 litre of water.
175 g of honey or brown sugar..
Cut the lemons in half and juice them.
Put the lemon juice and the pulp in a jar.
Add the honey or sugar and a third of the water, warm and mix until dissolved.

Granizadas Recipes:
Syrup Base (1 litre): 2 cups of water and 2 cups of sugar. Bring them to a boil in a pan until the liquid has halved in size.
Lemon Syrup: Make the syrup Base and mix in the juice of 1 kg of lemons.
Strawberry Syrup:
1- Make the syrup base. Triturate 1.5kg of strawberry and mix it with the syrup base. Boil for 8 minutes and put into a clean water bottle.
Pour some syrup over a cup of shaved ice.
Ingredients for the Tostadas
• 12 thin tortillas
• Oil to fry
• Red Salsa
• Refried Beans
• Guacamol
• Perejil finamente picado
• Queso seco rayado
• Thin onion slices
Firstly, boil two cups of oil. Then fry the tortillas in enough oil to cover them completely- depending on pan. Once they’re fried, let them cool down for about 20 minutes and then proceed to addingn topping such as salsa, beans and guacamole with optional onions, cheese and sour cream.