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Aesthetic: The aesthetic of our company is summer and Latin America. We will use bright colors and elements of decoration such as lemon slices and palm trees because they are symbols of summer. The stand must be colorful and appealing to the costumer. From our visit to Camden Market, we found out that colorful stands attract more costumers. We will also make a sign to invite people to approach our stand. As part of our aesthetic we will put on some Latin upbeat music in order to attract costumers. Our drinks will be served in a clear plastic cup so that the color shows through and with a colorful straw. Our food will be served on a paper plate, which will also be colored. We will make posters for our stand, as well as a few posters to put up around the school.

Cost: We used the Waitrose website to research the price of the ingredients. The cost for most of our products will be 1.50. We will make a budget to ensure that this gives us a good enough profit. From previous experience, we have concluded that this is a good price for people to buy the products.

Costumer: The costumer is the ICS students and teachers. We will create posters to advertise our product, as well as regular email reminders. We will appeal to everyone by making products that can work for most dietary needs. We will sell at break because then all students will be together. We will also sell during some lunch times in order to further appeal to the older students. Since it is summer, we will focus on selling drinks as they are refreshing and appealing on a hot summer day.

Environment: Depending on the weather, we will be selling our products either in the cantine or in the courtyard. For the next few weeks, the temperature will be warming up, so it will be a good time to sell summer food. If we sell it in the Cantine, it will be due to the weather not being appropriate enough for our products and our target costumers to have our stand outside. Similarly, if the weather is bright, sunny and comfortable to be in outside, we will move our stand to the courtyard for our costumers to have the summer-like feeling and theme that we aim for as they buy our products. Additionally, we will make sure to look after the environment in which we sell our products by having a bin next to our stand in case of our costumers finding themselves with trash in their hands so that they can easily throw it away and reduce the littering around us.

Size: We will make sure that our products to not come in portions that are too big for our costumers to walk around with. The drinks will be sold in small plastic cups and the food in small paper plates. Similarly, as our products will be sold during different times- with limited time to eat, we'll be making sure that our portions are enough to be eaten within that amount of time (from 15 minutes to 50 minutes).

Function: The function is to show the students and teachers of ICS a part of the Latin Culture. It is also to make a profitable business, which people buy from and enjoy. We have noticed that people around the school don’t know much about the culture, so we wanted to show a part of it to the school.

Materials: We will need to buy ingredients in order to make the food and drinks. We will also need to buy plastic cups, forks, straws and plates. We will buy the dry ingredients from Waitrose because it is the cheapest option. We will buy the fruit from church street market because it is cheaper but better quality. Lastly, we will buy the cups and plates, etc. from Poundland.

Durability: Food such as guacamole and salsa, will be transported directly from my fridge to the school fridge, to prevent it from going bad. We will make sure to only sell it until the eat-by date on the packaging. The lemonade can probably be kept for a maximum of a school week, or 5 days. The Granizada syrup, since it is cooked, will probably last 5-7 days. When Granizadas are sold, since they are basically made of ice, they will need to be eaten right away. The lemonade will probably stay cool for a while longer. Nachos can be bought in the morning and eaten later on.

Testing: We will test the recipes before we make them, to decide if they are not too difficult. It will also help us later, as we will be able to make them quicker. We will also make a test poster, before making the final poster.

Production: We are planning to sell a maximum of 10 of each item whenever we sell. Due to this, we will probably make 5-8 portions, to ensure that we are not wasting any food. We will try to plan our sales so that we can reuse products that were left over from the sale before.

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Latin ICSummer



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