Interviews with Stall Owners
We went to Camden Market, particularly the food section and interviewed 2 stall owners. One was a lady who owned a fresh juice/smoothie stand, and the second was a man who worked at a Mexican food stand.

This is a juice/smoothie stall. We asked a few questions to find out what the day to day work was like;
1-What is your most popular flavour of smoothie? I would say it is mango
2-What kind of costumers buy from your stall the most often? Usually it's more middle aged people or families as they are more self conciencious. I would say that kids would like them too, it's just that they rely on their parents to buy it for them so they are not as proactive as adults are.
3- How long does it take you to prepare everything? It takes me two hours. I come in 2 hours early in the morning and prepare everything in the stall.
From this interview, I can see that everything needs to be prepared fresh each day, which is something that we will have to figure out how we will do it. We could also incorporate mangos into one of our drinks as in the stall it is the most popular flavour. We will also try to appeal to a younger costumer by making it delicious as well as healthy so it appeals to them.

This is a Mexican food stall. The server was quite busy and quiet so we only got to ask a few questions.
1- What would you say is the most popular dish? The Chicken Fajita
2- What is the most frequent type of costumer? There are a lot of Spanish or Spanish-speaking costumers.
From this interview I learnt that the most popular meat is probably chicken, so if we do use meat, we will use chicken. We also found out that people who are Spanish or have some relation to the Mexican culture are the most frequent costumers at the stall which shows that people maybe eat there more for the culture that just the food,so we will try to really show the culture.
Some other things we learnt:
- We should put music to attract people to our store
- Things should be colourful and attractive
- It is more appealing to buy from a stall run by a nice person who is inviting